Restorative Sports Therapy

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Clients take their care to the next level.

What care do you need after an injury?

Dealing with an injury can be a stressful process at a time when you just want to feel better. Who do you trust? What care do you need?

After Gavin B. recovered from a broken shoulder, he sought out a physiotherapist. A referral by a friend brought him to Gina Perrault at Restorative Sports Therapy in Okotoks.

"I like the boutique atmosphere," said Gavin. "The staff is friendly and knowledgeable. Not only did they help me get my shoulder mobility back, but they also looked at the related stiffness in the back and neck. They make sure the body is functioning the way it should, working on how everything is connected. From the very first treatment, I had immediate relief."

"Our personal, one-on-one sessions (our approach) not only look after the immediate health concern that often brings clients to us in the first place, but we work with them to develop a health care regime that focuses on prevention," said Gina. "Our bodies are like machines; they need constant attention and are continuously changing based on the seasons and on our stage of life."

 Gavin agrees. "When I first went to Gina, it was to address my shoulder issues. But Gina got the whole team of professionals (the team) involved in helping me get back to health. It's like peeling the layers of an onion. They go deep into how the body functions, getting to the root of the problem."

Carla S. is an older adult who has had mobility issues all of her life. She had tried a variety of standard treatments, but she found that Gina and her team have had the greatest impact.

 "I never thought I could improve my mobility, but by working with several of the staff, I have noticed a big improvement in my mobility," said Carla. "What I like is that my treatments change as my needs change. My focus is on physio, but everything combines to produce an overall benefit. I don't want to be told that I'm healthy for my age and that I should expect some health issues. I don't agree with that and I like the fact that they don't either."

 "Age is not a barrier to good health," said Gina. "There is a definite connection between the mind and the body. We are only as old as we feel. We feel healing truly takes place when clients find this connection. Restorative is not just a place for quick fixes; it's a place where people come to restore balance to both body and mind."

~Find your passion, find what moves you, find your strength in movement~