Injury and Nutrition - how to practice awareness, self-care and get support.
Injury and N U T R I T I O N 🥑.
A common topic in treatment this month has been concern regarding weight gain post surgery or after a long standing injury. Energy requirements during these times are less so it’s helpful to take into account the energy balance equation, or calories in vs calories out. Injuries can keep us from moving as much as we’d like to - and using less energy means requiring less energy. A landmark study, and repeated follow up studies, found people often underestimate how much they eat over the course of a day, sometimes by more than 1,000 calories (Steven W. Lichtman, .et al. 1992). Add in not being able to move as much and this can quickly lead to unwanted weight gain.
Here are a couple of easy tips for maintaining body composition during this mentally and physically challenging time.
* Eat until you’re 80% full.
* Eat slowly and mindfully.
* Eat more minimally processed foods- add loads of colors to your plate 🥬🥕🥑🍓🥒🍠
* Get more high quality sleep.
* Take steps to reduce stress and build resilience.
* Have adequate water intake.
Recovering from injuries can be tough- especially if you’re off work, having to care for your family, or have limited support. Remember to also practice self-care, self-compassion and ask for help if needed. Added stress and high expectations can also affect injury healing time lines. Learn to have patience and grace with set backs.
We have amazing partners in the nutrition industry if you need that support. Head over to our contact us page if you need a referral. We are here to meet you where you’re at so you can live your best life.
~Find your passion, find what moves you, find your strength in movement~