Do asymmetries matter?
Have you noticed differences between left and right sides with eagle arms, balance in tree pose, weight shift during your squat, or strength and mobility affecting the depth of your pistol squats? And if you do notice, are you doing anything about it? Does it even matter? And, Do they add up over time? We all have side-to-side asymmetries. The question isn’t about whether or not I have asymmetries, but rather, how big are those asymmetries. Are they problematic and can they lead to injury down the road?
First, It's important to look at the underlying cause of the asymmetry. If the primary reason is a mobility issue, we need to discern if it's a tissue extensibility issue or a joint mobility problem- one you can work on your own with stretching or PNF techniques and yoga, and the other you need the help of a qualified health professional to assess and mobilize the joint.
Second, once the mobility component is addressed, it's important to look at the stability and motor control of that segment and the body as a whole. Can we get into the position passively (by someone helping us) but don't know how to get there on our own. Hence lacking the strength or motor program to achieve that movement.
Properly identifying the cause of an asymmetry is an important part of the equation in injury rehabilitation. One that is sometimes ignored, often overlooked, or improperly diagnosed.